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Rocky last won the day on March 19

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About Rocky

  • Birthday 11/29/1954

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    SUNNY Arizona

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  1. Isn't sociological narrative both powerful and incredibly tricky? I again rejoice with you for the (mental and emotional) work you do to process what you've been learning. I suspect that processing has shown you that what we learned from Wierwille's "ministry/cult had obvious limitations. Your life experience, notably with your precious grandson showed you some of those limitations. My view is that God (or one's imagination of what God is or may be) are FAR bigger than what twi could imagine or bring into manifestation. I also rejoice in what you've shared about while researching compassion and fear. Though my challenges aren't the same as your challenges, I remain curious and each day wanting to learn and expand what I can know. I have an 11-year old grandson who recently shared with me that he attends school online. And that he doesn't miss in-person school. My heart goes out to him and to my daughter's family even though they are reluctant to share the details of my grandson's challenges. I have, over the course of the last decade, observed my grandson exhibiting intense curiosity about various aspects of life. I have no doubt that my grandson's curiosity is a great gift regardless of the social difficulties he endures. Anyway, I am so thankful for what you've shared with us on GSC, dear Charity.
  2. That's the dilemma of the ages for humanity. IDK if. IDK how we could know with any degree of certainty (oops, "certainty" is all about belief or however, Nathan would spell it)
  3. And Greek, Roman, Norse and any other mythologies. Myth noun A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society. Genesis contains the Judeo-Christian creation myth. It's all about stories. Stories around which, for X number of years (sometimes fractions, sometimes whole years) many of us based our values and morals and that which formed the bases of how we made decisions and around which we guided the direction of our lives. Clearly, there are MANY stories that have formed bases of how societies (and cults) organized individual lives and groups. I rejoice with you (if you're rejoicing) for the new found freedom that enables or enabled you to view your grandson with more compassion and reality. I'm also glad there's a place called the Greasespot Cafe allowing you to write and process what you're going through on your path to freedom of mind and heart.
  4. Of course we ALL KNOW how important and widely known that point is among bible loving, believing people.
  5. Sometimes it's difficult to successfully communicate sarcasm.
  6. Who is Brandon? Is this a political reference? If it is, I certainly don't have a problem with your curiosity. But I would have a problem with you alluding to judgment of a political figure (elected official) in writing on this forum.
  7. When ever a person with the spirit of GOD, God in Christ in you,   pneuma hagion,  is moved to write the word of God, chapter and verse  I am not writing my word or words  it is God's word.    Just like Paul, Matthew, Mark Luke John etc..   It is the Word of  God, which is His will.     Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and do his good pleasure.  It is the word of God shared  that brings the praise and glory to God.  I don't need praise and I don't need glory.   2 Corinthians4:13, We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written,  I believed, and  therefore have spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak.   You have a problem with the word i shared, talk with the Father.  

    1. dkarateka7


      PS and if God did not raise Jesus Christ from the dead   then my faith is in vain and so is what I  teach and  preach..  But God did raise Jesus Christ form the dead.   because I Speak in Tongues. 1 Corinthians 15:10-21;

    2. Rocky


      How quaint.

      It's still overwhelmingly arrogant of you and every former or current follower of Wierwille's cult to believe, let alone claim out loud, that you speak with the authority of God.

      That's the case whether God did or did not raise Jesus Christ from the dead.

      There are immense gaps in your humanity and your education, IMO.

      Go in peace and SIN no more. :wink2:

      Btw, IF you actually were in the 17th way corps, why would you need to show up here trying to demonstrate your knowledge and authority?

  8. Your premise, that what you wrote was specifically the Word of God and was inspired by God the Father, is not provable. You COULD rephrase your comment to simply call on readers to accept your encouragement absent the arrogant claim that you spoke/wrote God's thoughts. You could alternatively rephrase your comment as an "I" statement to indicate YOU are/were inspired to write what you wrote, and leave it up to readers to assess the degree of providence the statement might have.
  9. Somehow people were convinced (hoodwinked?) into accepting vague claims as god-breathed, IMO. There may have been [edit: likely was SOME] some divine inspiration, but I no longer believe that holy men wrote what God told them to write, verbatim. Religion, is generally about finding ways to get humans to act in concert as groups to do what some faction wanted them to do or believe.
  10. As Nathan sort of reflected, this is all about the Judeo-Christian creation myth. Frankly, I very much appreciate your reinterpretation of it, Charity. There's so much more knowledge and wisdom available to humans. To me, it's only natural and reasonable that people are considering legitimate philosophical questions trying to figure out the meaning of life according to dominant religions... of which Christianity is only one of the dominant ones.
  11. At the risk of veering off into a political debate (but hoping not to do so), I understand TWI/Wierwille to have developed a position that was much more about the morality of ministry leaders justifying adultery and providing an escape clause, as it were, when a pregnancy occurred outside of a normal marriage.
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